The Battle of Britain

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Document 2 -

Document 3 -

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Document 5 -


By 1918 the Royal Air Force had become the first independent and the most powerful Air Force in the world, with about 22,000 aircraft and nearly 300,000 officers and men. However, after the war, the RAF was drastically cut.

Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, who organized Britain's air defence from 1936 to 1940 as commander-in-chief of Fighter Command, is often regarded as the architect of victory in the Battle of Britain.



The Luftwaffe 

When Hitler came to power in 1933, Göring was made Air Minister and the expansion of military aviation became a priority. By 1935, when the Luftwaffe was formally announced, it already had 1,800 aircraft and 20,000 personnel.

By 1936 many of the German aircraft which would participate in the Battle of Britain four years later were in prototype and undergoing testing. During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Germany joined Italy in supporting the Nationalist forces against the Republican government. She used the opportunity to gain experience and try out new equipment and tactics.


Source: Royal Air Force Museum, 2024.

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Document 8 -

Annexe (chapter 3)-